
With the world wide concerns on climate change, environmental protection, ever increasing pollution levels, and waste management issues, the role of corporate for the social causes and ethical business practices is gaining importance. Businesses need to shift the focus from profit making to responsible products and efficient services. Many countries have duly drafted their CSR policies but many other are still struggling to give it a formal shape. While the western world has already started talking about the CSR2.0 and CSR 3.0, the other countries are still stuck with the philanthropy.

Despite certain criticisms on the CSR activities, more companies in the world are inclining their strategies towards corporate social responsibility. The CSR Executives have the task of reconciling the various programs, quantifying their benefits, or at least sketching a logical connection to the business, and securing the support of business line counterparts.

CSR can not only refer to the compliance of human right standards, labor and social security arrangements, but also to the fight against climate change, sustainable management of natural resources and consumer protection. In the Developed nations, the basic needs of the population do not require so much support as in the under-developed nations. This Conference is designed to understand and deal with the unprecedented impacts of CSR on the working population, society and environment and therefore to elaborate the various frameworks for it with a view towards developing its practice in an evolutionary way.

The sixth annual edition of conference CSR 2019 will give new direction to the deliberations in different parts of the world. The world needs to come together to make the earth a better place to live.